> Varrojet
> Varrocleaner


Electric anti-varroa smoker is a product that was made already in 1989 as a tool for our own needs.
In time, it has developed in an indispensable tool for many beekeepers in Serbia, former Yugoslav republics and wider.

Ever since that time it has been improved through several models but its function has not changed.
It is used in treatment of beehives against honey bee ticks, varroa jacobsoni and varroa destructor.

Medical smoke (vapour) is introduced into a beehive through the entrance. Use of this tool has many advantages:
it is easy to handle,
it can be used with all types of hives
use of almost all smoking substances, such as amitraz etc.
full control of dosing
full control of combustion (important feature especially in the areas exposed to high risk of fire)
the beekeeper is protected against smoke
treatment of bare hives
checking of efficiency of other varroa fighting methods
safe method of determination of the degree of infection of other beehives
extremely high efficiency per unit of time (about 10 seconds per a hive)
easy maintenance

Varrojet is driven by a micro motor with 2x1.5V batteries.
The service life of the apparatus for a beehive yard of about 100 hives is about 3 years (in practice it proved to be even longer).